Iron Studios The Mandalorian - Grogu Legacy Replica 1/4

In a trance-like state, having visions or reaching someone or something through the Force, while an energy field forms around him, the little child called Grogu (Baby Yoda) remains seated on top of the so-called Seeing stone. This rock is shaped like a dome in the ancient ruins of a temple, with runes inscribed at the bottom, where it says that if a Force-sensitive being meditates on its top, it will send a beacon of energy to any other Force-sensitive being nearby. Thus, Iron Studios presents its statue "Grogu Legacy Replica 1/4 - The Mandalorian - Iron Studios" derived from this iconic scene from the second season of the series The Mandalorian, a spin-off from Star Wars. The Mandalorian is a production of the Disney+ streaming channel, directed by Jon Favreau.

In Episode 6, Chapter 14: The Tragedy, Mando is instructed, by the Jedi Ahsoka Tano, to take Grogu to a planet called Tython. In this verdant world, which is incredibly rich and connected to the "Force", the small child would be able to use the Force to choose his path, thus becoming known to any Jedi who could find him and help him. Mando then takes his protégé and places him on top of the Seer Stone.

Unveiled in the second edition of Inside Iron Studios Day, and since then eagerly awaited by fans and collectors, the statue comes to add to the already announced "The Mandalorian and The Child Legacy Replica - The Mandalorian". This is the second piece, by Iron Studios, derived from the series, in the Legacy 1/4 line, besides others in the Art Scale 1/10 line. All are now available for Pre-Order.
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